Kisi Ko Sabak Sikhane Ka Wazifa, Totka, Tarika, Dua, Amal, Upay

Kisi Ko Sabak Sikhane Ka Wazifa, Totka, Tarika, Dua, Amal, Upay,”By the way, hatred is of no use, but it increases hatred, but many times if the opponent is not taught a lesson, he considers himself very powerful. That’s why today we are telling you the stipend to teach a lesson to the enemy and the stipend to teach a lesson to Southan. Apart from this, we will also tell you the blessings of teaching a lesson to a cheating lover today.

Kisi Ko Sabak Sikhane Ka Stipend

If there are people in your life who want to teach you a lesson, then you can use the stipend to teach someone a lesson. We meet a lot of people every day in our life, but not all of them have the same nature.

Some people are very sincere to the heart, while some people always think bad of other people. After the death of evil people, Allah locks the punishment and such people get a place in the world.

You must also know some people who deserve such punishment. You can use the stipend to teach someone a lesson to straighten them.

The stipend to teach someone a lesson is to be used only to get permission from Maulvi Saheb. For this stipend, you will need a picture of the person whom you want to teach a lesson. You have to do this after sunset to teach him a good lesson. Put that person’s picture in front of you and read the stipend below to teach someone a lesson 500 times-


After reading this stipend, you have to take a shoe and hit the person’s picture 7 times. The faster you hit the shoe, the bigger the lesson will be for that person.

To teach someone a lesson, you have to do it everyday for 11 days. By doing this stipend, the person in front will get a very good lesson and after this he will never do any wrong thing in life.

Stipend to teach the enemy a lesson

Stipend to teach the enemy a lesson – Dushman Ko Sabaq Sikhane Ka Wazifa, Totka, Tarika, Dua, Amal, Upay, In today’s time, humans look something else from outside and something else is going on in their mind. In such a situation, it has become very difficult to differentiate between friend and foe.

It is also true that in today’s era, most of the Bahurayas are roaming around as friends, which gives an opportunity to hit your back. To get rid of such enemies, the help of stipend can be taken to teach the enemy a lesson.

Whenever you feel that the enemy is trying to play a trick, with the help of this stipend, you can stop all his nefarious antics. Let us know the stipend to teach a lesson to the enemy.

Dushman Ko Sabaq Sikhane Ka Wazifa

Today we are telling you the stipend to teach a lesson to the enemy, with the help of which you can plead your enemy. That enemy will never think of you again and he will regret his mistake. You have to do this stipend through the prayer of the Maghrib. First read 11 times Durud e Pak and then read the stipend to teach the enemy a lesson-
Ya Kaharo, or Kabizu

You have to read 300 times to teach the enemy a lesson. While reading this you have to keep in mind your enemy. At the same time, Allah also asked Tala to pray for safeguarding himself.

Finally read Durud e Pak 11 times and complete the stipend to teach the enemy a lesson. Every day for a few days, reading the stipend to teach a lesson to the enemy will eliminate all enemies from your life.

Stipend to teach soutan a lesson :

Stipend to teach a lesson to Sautan – Sautan Ko Sabak Sikhane Ka Wazifa, Totka, Tarika, Dua, Amal, Upay, Shortly after marriage it often happens that a man loses interest in his wife. In order to bring a new adventure in his life, he gets caught in the fascination of other women.

Many times the matter gets so much that the men bring the other wife in the house while not having one wife. It is common for the first wife to be jealous when this happens.

To get rid of this problem, our parents can use a powerful stipend.

The stipend to teach a lesson to soutan is one such powerful stipend, with the help of which you will get rid of your sutan very easily.

Sautan Ko Sabak Sikhane Ka Wazifa

Any woman can use the stipend to teach Soutan a lesson to regain her husband and to alienate foreign women from her husband. This stipend is for women to be lonely and not to be in bed with their husbands while doing it. The stipend to teach a lesson to Sautan is to be read before going to bed at night.

Inni Vajju Vajhi Yasi Lillazi Rasmawati Valahi

After reading this stipend 121 times, you have to take a picture of your husband and put him under your pillow and go to sleep. You have to live in wuzu while stating to teach a lesson to Soutan. Keep in mind that women should not use this stipend during menstruation.

Prayer to teach a lesson to a cheating lover

Dua to teach a lesson to a cheating lover – Dhokebaaz Premi Ko Sabak Sikhane Ki Dua, Wazifa, Totka, Tarika, Amal, Upay, It is very difficult to find true love in today’s times. Today, many young people love only to fulfill their needs and cheat their lover after losing their meaning.

To avoid such fraudulent people, you can pray to teach a lesson to the cheating lover.

If you have ever been cheated by someone in your life and you want to take revenge on him, then do pray to teach a lesson to the cheating lover once told by us.

By doing this dua, your heart will get relief and that fraudulent person will also get punishment for his crime.

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